international strategy
You have established your business in a particular geographic market. Perhaps you are wondering what opportunities there might be for your firm in other markets. We work with firms to help them to understand what the market for their product or service could look like in another geographical region. We are located in Canada and the United States, and have an extensive network in parts of Europe and Asia. We are able to help both Canadian and US firms who want to internationalize, as well as international firms who would like to explore the North American markets.
We can help you to understand and apply market information to your particular case, plan your internationalization strategy, introduce you to the market and key market actors in order to perform market testing, as well as represent you as you make the first steps into the new market.

market analysis
will your product or service work in a new market?
When considering a new market, it is essential to understand the market dynamics and how your firm, and its product and services, will fit. How competitive is the market? Who would be your major competitors? How price sensitive is the market, and would your pricing and business model work in this environment. Are there "must-have" features that you would need to develop in order to enter the market, and are there features of your product for which there is a real need or demand?
Through our market knowledge and extensive network, we are able to perform market analysis, competitor analysis, business model and pricing reviews, and help you to understand if the particular market is for you.
We will help you to make an informed decision about whether to enter a new market, and what you would need to do in order to achieve success if you were to do so.
how will you take your product or service to a new market? What is needed in order to make a successful entry into a new geographic market?
Your market strategy will define what is needed in order to take your product or service to a new market. It will include a roadmap which will consider any product development work which is needed in order to address the market, as well as the go-to-market entry itself.
We are able to help with all stages of developing a solid go-to-market strategy, including market research and planning, understanding the demand for your product, developing a product roadmap, developing the marketing strategy, and refining the customer experience. Not only can we help you to develop your go-to-market strategy, but by using many of our off-the-shelf and sales accelerator services, we can deliver large parts of the execution, including Product Management, Marketing, Lead Generation, and Sales.

what does the new market look like? how do potential buyers react to your proposition? we can introduce you to the market and to key actors in it.
So, you have decided to explore a new market, but perhaps you don't have many contacts there, and you would like to see for yourself how the market would react to your product or service. We are able to accompany you on a 'tour' of the market, introducing you to both your target customers as well as the surrouding business environment. We are able to introduce you to government and quasi-government agencies who could potentially assist you with the wider business environment, and might even offer financial incentives for creating employment opportunities.
We can host seminars, breakfast briefings, and formal and informal get togethers where you can meet key actors first hand to get a good idea of how the market could work for your business.
want to try a new market and see how it works for your product or service? want to start small and scale up from there? we are here to help!
Setting up in a new location without a local network and local market knowledge can be hard, and mistakes can be costly. We are able to represent you in a number of key markets. We are able to be your eyes and ears on the ground. We can use our own in-market sales and marketing functions in order to present and grow your brand in a new market.
When you are ready to scale-up, we are able to hire staff for you, train them, and transition them to your own management. We can really ease the pain of setting up shop in a new location.
This custom service is built to your own specifications, and can include a blend of your team and ours for a period of time in order to get things operating smoothly.