product & market strategy
Our go-to-market projects are aimed to give you the information you need to make informed decisions about your market approach. We can also help you to execute your strategy, benefiting from a global network and international presence.
All our business strategy services can be purchased by themselves, as standalone pieces of work, as a part of an acceleration program, or as a custom package tailored to your company's needs and aimed at achieving a specific growth goals.
product-market fit
Align your product with the needs of the market.
Does your product have all of the "must-have" features buyers are looking for? Do your USPs resonate with a need in the minds of potential buyers.
We can help you to correctly position your product or service in order to address the current market need. By aligning your product with the current focus of CISOs and key decision influencers, you have more of an opportunity to be noticed and to be able to translate their interest into real sales opportunities. When you have a good product-market fit, your customers will become your advocates, recommending your product or service to their friends, colleagues, and even maybe their competitors!
We will work with you to examine your current product-market fit, and to align and optimize your product or service offerings.
business model analysis
Are you making the most of your product or service? is the business model you are using optimal for what you are selling?
Having the right business model is much more than simply defining how your business makes money. It is really about understanding and explaining how you can create and deliver value for your clients and customers.
We will work with you to examine, and document your current business model. We use tools like the Business Model Canvas to help you to examine other possible models with the goal of ensuring that you have the optimum business model for your product or service, and to examine other potential models.
go-to-market strategy
Whether you want to enter a new market or a new segment, we can help you to define and execute your go-to-market strategy.
Your go-to-market strategy is all about how you take your existing product, or a new product or service, to market. This could potentially involve addressing new sector verticals, whole new industries, or new geographic markets. A go-to-market strategy will include a roadmap which is focused on launching one specific product, service, expansion, or venture.
We are able to help with all stages in developing a solid go-to-market strategy, including market research and planning, understanding the demand for your product, developing a product roadmap, developing the marketing strategy, and refining the customer experience. Not only can we help you to develop your go-to-market strategy, but by using many of our off-the-shelf and sales accelerator services, we can deliver large parts of the execution, including Product Management, Marketing, Lead Generation, and Sales.